The Standard Treatment Protocol (STP) for the Basic Health Services (BHS) package 2078 of the Nepalese government outlines the essential health services and treatment guidelines to be provided at the primary care level. While I do not have the specific details of the 2078 version, I can provide a general framework based on common elements typically included in such protocols. For the most accurate and detailed information, it is best to refer to the official documents provided by the Ministry of Health and Population of Nepal.

Standard Treatment Protocol (STP) for Basic Health Services (BHS) Package 2078

1. Maternal and Child Health Services

Antenatal Care (ANC)

  • Initial Visit: Comprehensive history, physical examination, and necessary laboratory tests.
  • Subsequent Visits: Regular monitoring of blood pressure, weight, fetal growth, and development.
  • Supplements: Iron and folic acid supplementation.
  • Vaccination: Tetanus toxoid (TT) immunization.

Delivery and Postnatal Care (PNC)

  • Skilled Birth Attendance: Ensuring deliveries are attended by trained healthcare professionals.
  • Immediate Newborn Care: Newborn resuscitation if needed, immediate breastfeeding, and warmth provision.
  • Postnatal Visits: Monitoring maternal and neonatal health, counseling on breastfeeding, and family planning.

Child Health Services

  • Immunization: Complete schedule of vaccines as per the National Immunization Program.
  • Growth Monitoring: Regular weight and height measurements.
  • Management of Common Illnesses: Treatment of diarrhea, pneumonia, and other common childhood illnesses using Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) guidelines.

2. Communicable Disease Control

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Diagnosis: Sputum microscopy and GeneXpert testing.
  • Treatment: Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) for TB management.


  • Testing: Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT).
  • Treatment: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) provision and monitoring.


  • Diagnosis: Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) or microscopy.
  • Treatment: Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT).


  • Diagnosis: Clinical examination and skin smear tests.
  • Treatment: Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT).

3. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Management

Hypertension and Diabetes

  • Screening and Diagnosis: Blood pressure measurement and blood glucose testing.
  • Treatment: Lifestyle modification, medication adherence, and regular follow-ups.

Chronic Respiratory Diseases

  • Management: Smoking cessation, bronchodilators, and inhaled corticosteroids for asthma and COPD.

4. Essential Drugs and Supplies


  • Ensure the availability of essential drugs listed in the National Essential Medicines List (NEML).
  • Regular stock management and supply chain maintenance.

5. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Education and Counseling

  • Promote healthy lifestyles, hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition.
  • Conduct community awareness programs on various health issues.

Preventive Measures

  • Vector control for malaria and dengue.
  • Screening programs for early detection of diseases like cervical and breast cancer.

6. Emergency Health Services

First Aid and Basic Emergency Care

  • Immediate management of injuries, trauma, and other medical emergencies.
  • Referral to higher-level facilities when necessary.

7. Referral System

Strengthening Referral Mechanisms

  • Establish a clear and efficient referral system for cases that require higher-level care.
  • Maintain communication and feedback loops between primary care and referral centers.

Implementation and Monitoring

Training and Capacity Building

  • Regular training programs for healthcare workers on updated protocols and guidelines.
  • Capacity building for effective service delivery.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Routine monitoring of health service delivery and quality.
  • Use of health management information systems (HMIS) for data collection and analysis.


The Standard Treatment Protocol (STP) for the Basic Health Services (BHS) package is designed to provide comprehensive and equitable healthcare services at the primary level. It emphasizes maternal and child health, communicable and non-communicable disease management, essential drug availability, health promotion, and emergency care. For detailed and specific guidelines, refer to the official document from the Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal.


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